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Cycle-Based Living: A Guide to Self-Care and Optimal Performance

The menstrual cycle: A path to more self-care

The menstrual cycle accompanies us for many decades - 40 years to be exact! Crazy, isn't it?! For many people, the word "menstruation" alone is very annoying, and we associate it with discomfort and an annoying phase that should be over as quickly as possible. But what if we could turn this unique cycle into our strength by learning to understand our body better? If we realize that we don't just have the menstrual phase, but four cycle phases that bring us extremely many advantages through better understanding, we can learn how to live with them and use our strengths in each phase. For example, we can feel better at work and do tasks that are good for us, and also know when we are at our best when doing sports, for example to build more muscle, and when we should avoid strength training. We can also find out when menstruating people feel the most desire or feel the most confident - perfect for a first date or important negotiations.

Guide for those in a hurry

If you need it quickly:

  • Menstrual phase (days 1-5) : Gentle activities such as yoga and walking, iron-rich diet, warming foods, rest and reflective work.
  • Follicular phase (days 6-14) : Intense training sessions, high protein diet, high energy for demanding tasks and increased libido.
  • Ovulation phase (days 15-17) : Social sports, vitamin-rich diet, creative and social activities.
  • Luteal phase (days 18-28) : Moderate workouts, complex carbohydrates, adequate sleep, and stress reduction.

The four phases of the menstrual cycle and their significance

Menstrual phase (days 1-5)

  • Exercise : This is the time for gentler, less intense activities. Yoga, especially hot yoga, can be very beneficial during your period. To help you feel comfortable and safe without constantly feeling uncomfortable or worried about leaks, we recommend the soft and absorbent menstrual sponges. You can find out more here . Hot yoga helps to promote circulation and relieve period cramps. Light walks and stretching are also ideal for keeping the body moving without overtaxing it. Studies have shown that yoga can reduce the severity of menstrual cramps ​ ( Semaine Health ) ​​( Flo Health ) ​.
  • Diet : Focus on iron-rich foods like spinach, beetroot and pulses to compensate for iron loss. Menstruating people often have iron deficiency during their period as they lose more blood. Warming foods like ginger tea can also help relieve cramps as ginger has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Energy level : Energy levels are often lower during this phase. Give yourself plenty of rest and listen to your body. At work, reflective or creative tasks are good that you can do comfortably, perhaps in your home office. Treat yourself to a good book at home - and relax!

Follicular phase (days 6-14)

  • Training : Now is the best time for intense workouts. Did you know that women can build the most muscle mass during this phase? High energy and increased endurance allow you to perform HIIT, running or strength training effectively.
  • Diet : Light, protein-rich food supports muscle building and regeneration. Green vegetables, lean meat and fish are ideal. Appetite is often increased because the body burns more calories.
  • Energy level : Energy increases. Use this phase to start new projects and tackle challenging tasks. Sexual desire can also be increased during this phase, as the release of sex hormones increases.

Ovulation phase (days 15-17)

  • Training : You are still full of energy during this phase. Group fitness, dance classes or other social sports can be particularly motivating.
  • Diet : A diet rich in vitamins, especially vitamin C and E, supports the body. Berries, citrus fruits and nuts are excellent options.
  • Energy level : High and balanced. This is a good time for creative and social activities. Hormones are balanced, which has a positive effect on your mood and performance.

Luteal phase (days 18-28)

  • Training : Reduce the intensity and focus on moderate workouts. Swimming, cycling or Pilates are ideal so as not to overtax or overload the body.
  • Diet : Complex carbohydrates such as whole grains and high-fiber foods help keep blood sugar levels stable and prevent cravings. Avoid foods high in sugar and caffeine, as they can contribute to mood swings. Learn more about caffeine and menstruation here.
  • Energy level : Energy can fluctuate. Make sure you get enough sleep (at least 8 hours!) and reduce stress to minimize mood swings. Women often need more sleep than men during this phase. And did you know that a natural cycle is only possible if you don't take hormonal contraceptives? Because these medications suppress the cycle, and the period is then not really a real menstruation. Once your cycle has settled back into a natural cycle, you can make the most of the phases of the cycle and use their strengths in each phase! (Stopping the Pill founder story link to other blog post)

Natural products as companions

For women who want to rely on natural products during their cycle, menstrual sponges (learn more about how a menstrual sponge works in this blog post) offer an environmentally friendly option. They are reusable, chemical-free and allow women to experience their period with more awareness and environmental sustainability.

Good to know : A natural cycle is only possible if no hormonal contraceptives are used, as these suppress the cycle. The bleeding that occurs while taking hormonal contraceptives is not a real menstruation. When the cycle has settled naturally, women can make the most of the phases of the cycle and use their strengths in each phase.

A new study has also shown that conventional menstrual products such as tampons can contain arsenic, lead and cadmium. These heavy metals are particularly problematic because they are carcinogenic and can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. Heavy metals accumulate in the bones, liver and kidneys and displace other minerals, which disrupts metabolism and can lead to chronic inflammation, high blood pressure, kidney damage, oxidative stress or disorders of fat metabolism. What is particularly problematic is that the mucous membranes in the intimate area are highly sensitive and absorbent, so women could unknowingly be exposed to the toxic substances through tampons. Scientists are therefore calling for stricter regulations to control manufacturers (Source: National Institutes of Health study )

Conclusion: The power of self-care in harmony with the cycle

The connection between menstruation and exercise is complex and unique. Women can increase their self-care by acknowledging and integrating their menstrual cycle as a source of strength. Rather than being viewed as a limitation, menstruation can serve as a powerful invitation to mindfulness, individual adaptation, and self-discovery. It is time to celebrate the menstrual cycle as not only a natural but also an empowering part of the female experience. By living cycle-based and using natural menstrual products, we can turn our perceived weaknesses into strengths and live a more harmonious life.

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